Formatting :
FORMATTING (2015). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. PVC tapes.
Material: Deer Brand 1.9 cm PVC insulating tape (white)
Location: 121E26’54’’ 25N0’26’’
Purpose: To format the space.
Stick the vertical lines and horizontal lines on space walls with islulating tapes.
The spacing of each line is 2cm.
No measurement tool during processing.
FORMATTING (2015). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. PVC tapes.
Material: Deer Brand 1.9 cm PVC insulating tape (white)
Location: 121E26’54’’ 25N0’26’’
Purpose: To format the space.
Stick the vertical lines and horizontal lines on space walls with islulating tapes.
The spacing of each line is 2cm.
No measurement tool during processing.
FORMATTING (2015). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. PVC tapes.
FORMATTING (2015). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. PVC tapes.
FORMATTING (2015). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. PVC tapes.
*PVC tapes *In the process
FORMATTING (2015). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. PVC tapes.
*In the processFORMATTING (2015). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. PVC tapes.
FORMATTING (2015). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. PVC tapes.
*UninstallationFORMATTING (2015). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. PVC tapes.
Installation & Object
ACCOMMODATION FORMATTING (2020). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. Wood and PVC tapes.
Installation & Object
ACCOMMODATION FORMATTING (2020). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. Wood and PVC tapes.
Installation & Object
ACCOMMODATION FORMATTING (2020). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. Wood and PVC tapes.
Installation & Object
ACCOMMODATION FORMATTING (2020). Chen Chan-Xuan. Dimension Variable. Wood and PVC tapes.
*In the process
磁碟格式化是一種使硬碟或是其它儲存媒體可使用的過程,此過程包括了設定一個空的檔案系統 就結果論,格式化這個指令,可清除硬碟或是隨身碟中既有的資料。實際上這些資料仍然存在,格式化只是把原有的磁碟空間標示為可用而已格式化的意義並不只是把東西清除掉,更重要的是重新規劃儲存資料的方式
Disk formatting is the process of preparing a hard disk or other storage medium for use, including setting up an empty file system. On the results, formatting is like cleaning up original files in the disk or storage medium. Actually the files are still exist. To format is mark the storage space as available. Formatting is not just for deleting the files, what more important is Rearranging the mode of storing the files.