
DRAW 2.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan 
Medium: Velvet cloth, Stainless steel, Zinc-aluminum alloy, Acrylic
Dimensions Variable
Curtain coverage: 88cm x 47cm
Full piece for each: 95cm x 55cm

DRAW 2.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan. 

DRAW 2.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan. 

DRAW 2.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan. 

DRAW 2.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan. 
*Draw the curtain and get close you’ll see things.

DRAW 2.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan. 

DRAW 2.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan.  

DRAW 2.0

This artwork was first displayed in a barbershop full of mirrors, which happens to reflect with the discussion of the word Aesthetic. By using the format of an artwork information (Object Label), the theme, and the material of the artwork is swapped and muddled. Leaving the audiences an open space to imagine towards what the "information" and "answer" is.When the curtains are closed, " Aesthetic " is the theme of the artwork, and the material is unknown. When being drawn open, the artwork is everything and anything you see, which just might be the perfect answer to what " Aesthetic " is. The information you see (author, year of production, size) is like a solid reality but is also changeable or become uncertain as time and society go on.

此件作品一開始裝置在充滿鏡面的理容廳,恰巧對映出關鍵字審美(Aesthetic)的討論。利用藝術品資訊的書寫格式(Object Label),將作品題目與媒材欄位混淆置換,提供對所見的「資訊」、「答案」更多想像空間與可能性。簾幕遮蔽時,美是作品主題、媒材欄位未知;揭開窗簾後,作品便是看到的一切,觀者願意看的事物或許就是美麗的最佳解答。作者名字、創作年代、作品尺寸的欄位像是鐵錚錚的事實,卻是隨時會被改變且不確定的資訊。

DRAW 1.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan. 
Medium: Velvet cloth, Stainless steel, Zinc-aluminum alloy,  Charcoal and pencil.
Dimensions Variable
Curtain coverage: 212cm x 126cm
Full piece for each: 220cm x 135cm

DRAW 1.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan. 

DRAW 1.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan.

DRAW 1.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan.

DRAW 1.0

A simple daily decor such as Curtains produces explosive information, drawing the curtain is like revealing the mystery of things. This series of curtain artwork deliberately engages in complicated concepts of various aspects by using ready-made objects, word meanings, extended discussion of the painting, and even space exploration and audience participation. The purpose of this work is trying to make people see the gap between information and reality. Reversing information on the object label, and the objectivity of the information became an unclear redefinition following the viewer’s subjective interpretation. On the whole, this work makes a path of invisible concepts and meanings for audiences through the interaction of concrete materials.

單純的窗簾組合出爆炸的資訊⋯⋯,拉開簾幕如揭開事物的神秘面紗。本件作品裡刻意參入複雜的討論,藉由物件的使用、字詞的觀念、平面繪畫的延伸、空間的探索與觀者的參與,試圖討論資訊在客觀真實與理解之間的落差。將物件說明卡(Object label)的欄位資訊對調置換,資訊的客觀性隨著各種主觀的再定義而膨脹,乃至意義不明。藉由具體的物質的互動,為觀眾鋪陳一條觀看不可視之概念及意義的路徑。

DRAW 1.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan
Veil, Shield, Obscure

DRAW 1.0 (2019)  Chen Chan-Xuan
Veil, Screen, Domino, Obscure, Shield 

[Veil] 名詞。面紗、面罩、遮蔽物、掩蓋、托辭、籠罩。
[Obscure] 動詞、形容詞。遮掩、使晦澀、使模糊、默默無名的。
[Shield] 名詞、動詞。盾牌、屏障、保護
[Camouflage] 名詞。掩護、偽裝、保護色、掩飾。
[Domino] 名詞。多米諾骨牌、面具、化妝外衣、骰子。
[Costume] 名詞。特定服裝、化妝服、戲服。
[Screen] 動詞、名詞。螢幕、屏風、掩蔽所、測試、檢查、放映、遮掩。
[Spectacle] 名詞。不尋常的事、出乎意料的情況、壯觀景象、眼鏡。

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